New year, new start, new ideas, renewed optimism. This blog has consistent theme - how can you improve your business, bottom line, and ultimately enjoy more freedom because you've earned it!
I learned a lot the last few months talking to shop owners, technicians, service writers and of course shop owners who are technicians, services writers, and janitors. One of the consistent topics that has come up is how can people in these roles do their job more efficiently and make their workload easier. With that said I'm going to use this blog to highlight features that you may not be using but have a big impact with our customers that do.
Job View: The 9.1 Manager SE update introduces a new set of features called Job View. It positively impacts workflow on the Order, Revision and History screens with job containers. The resulting Estimates and Invoices are easier to read, ensuring faster approvals. Deferred work sent to Revisions with tab automatically renamed for the job. Check Profit per Job, Multiple discounts (1 Order level + multiple at Job level). WIP/Order Grid Appearance.
Job View Demo
Job View Configuration
If you have any questions about how to set up Job View, send me an email to set up a meeting with me.
Simplified Scheduling: Effortlessly schedule appointments and manage technician assignments with a drag-and-drop scheduler:
If your not using these features or using another calendar to schedule appointments consider learning these capabilities to simplify the amount of apps you use.
If you have any questions never hesitate to send me an email: jeff@m1norcalrep.com I look forward to hearing from you.